Dear Parent/Legal Guardian,
Thank you for choosing Jubilee’s Youth Sports program! We look forward to working with your child(ren) this year!
Jubilee’s Health and Wellness department seeks to improve lives and strengthen community, with a focus on closing the equity gap and increase life expectancy. Jubilee’s Youth Sports program help children learn about healthy lifestyles through physical activity and teamwork. Our program is completely FREE and lead by qualified staff.
We are accepting applications for Soccer for Pre-Kinder-6th grades. Please fill out all of the application.
All parent meetings, practices and games will take place at Jubilee Park & Community Center.
Pre-Kinder-2nd Grade Program:
o Begins Monday, September 20, 2021
o Ends on Thursday October 14th, 2021
o Pre-K & Kindergarten sessions are Mondays and Tuesdays: 6pm-7:30pm
o 1st and 2nd grade sessions are Wednesdays and Thursdays: 6pm-7:30pm
3rd-6th Grade Programming:
o Begins Monday, October 18, 2021
o Ends on Thursday, November 11, 2021
o 3rd and 4th grade sessions are Mondays and Tuesdays 6pm-8:00pm
o 5th and 6th grade sessions are Wednesdays and Thursdays 6pm-8:00pm
Parent Orientation Information
Your child cannot be enrolled in the program until the following have been completed:
1. Completely filled out and turn in the Youth Sports program application. Incomplete applications will not be processed.
2. Attended one of our required Parent Orientation sessions:
· Wednesday, September 8, 2021 @ 8:30am
· Tuesday, September 14, 2021 @ 6:30pm
· Thursday, September 16, 2021 @ 6:30pm
All sessions will have Spanish translation.
Thank you for choosing Jubilee Park and Community Center! Please contact me should you have any questions and/or need more information.
DeVaughn Williams
Health and Wellness Coordinator
214-887-1364 ext. 243