Jubilee is many things for many people. For 300 of our oldest neighbors, Jubilee is food security, access to medical care, a place to make friends, exposure to cultural sites across the city, a family that looks out for you, and a home away from home.
Last summer, in an effort to meet seniors where they are, Jubilee performed 21 home visits to gain important feedback about the existing program and any unmet needs of Jubilee seniors. We learned about their pressing need for home repairs, that they rely on Jubilee for food and nutrition, but the bottom line was that they love senior programs at Jubilee and they want more of them.
The Jubilee family was quick to act by launching a Senior Home Repair Program (stay tuned for a blog post soon) and adding two additional hours of programming each week – nearly doubling the total program enrichment hours. Now every year, Jubilee seniors receive 1,900 hours of health and nutrition topics, safety classes, arts and culture activities, financial literacy workshops, field trips to Dallas institutions, and – of course – bingo!
Want to join in the fun? Sign up to volunteer with Jubilee senior programs and become a member of the Senior Brigade! Email volunteer@jubileecenter.org to get started.